May 21, 2024 - Third Day

May 21, 2024- 

This morning I woke and had circle time at 6:00 where we talked about what we are all grateful for. Then shortly after we met with our mentor.

Today my group and I started our field work. We we when to this first stop to learn how to use the app we will be using for this project.

After we went to the Batipa Head trail, where we made our way up. It was the same one from yesterday, I was happy to check out the plants but this time utilizing the app. 

While on the tail we had lunch then continued for about 3 hours. Even going a little off-trail.

We returned to Centro Batipa, around 3:10 ish and had a break before dinner.

After Dinner, there were about 30 minutes we had before circle time when we discussed the article "From "education for sustainability development" to "education for the end of the world as we knew it". There were so many good conversations and stories. 

Ending the night with discussing the plans for tomorrow which start at 7-7:30.



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